MSC Fishery
The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is an international non-profit organisation. MSC recognises and rewards effort to protect oceans and safeguard seafood supplies for the future.
MSC mission
The mission of MSC is to use its certification programme to contribute to the health of the world‘s oceans by recognising and rewarding sustainable fishing practices, influencing the choices people make when buying seafood and working with its partners to transform the seafood market into a sustainable economic sector.
With increasing consumer demand for sustainably sourced seafood, MSC certification gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to sustainable fishing practices through this internationally renowned program. Based on sound scientific principles and refined over the past 20 years, the MSC Standard focuses on three central principles:
1) Sustainable fish stocks. Are enough fish left in the ocean? Fishing must be at a level that ensures it can continue indefinitely and the fish population can remain productive and healthy.
2) Minimising environmental impact. What are the impacts? Fishing activity must be managed carefully so that other species and habitats within the ecosystem remain healthy.
3) Effective management. Are operations well managed? Both the management of the fishery and legislation must be able to ensure sustainable fish stocks and minimal environmental impact, and be able to adapt to changing environmental circumstances.
By labeling your products as MSC certified you will attract conscious buyers, retailers and consumers. This will open up international markets whilst showing your customers your commitment to the environment, and helps create a world where sustainable fishing is the norm.
bio.inspecta provides MSC certification services for fisheries and corresponding supply chains (via chain of custody) throughout the world. If you are interested in knowing more about MSC certification and the services bio.inspecta can offer, please contact us now.
Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Fisheries Standard & MSC Guidance to the Fisheries Standard
Contact person

Processing and Trade
+41 (0) 21 552 29 07>