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Dive deeper: Our blog features exciting posts about us and our clients.

First experiences from the 2025 control season

Non-organic animals and feed remain exceptions

Processing applications for the exceptional purchase of non-organic animals and feed is a constant task and challenge.

"Just being organic is no longer enough"

Findings after the Organic World Congress

Control experiences: Animal husbandry in late autumn

Control experiences: Animal husbandry in midsummer

Control experiences: Important knowledge of the crop rotation guidelines

Control experiences: Animal husbandry outside the growing season


The customer magazine of bio.inspecta/q.inspecta

New column in BioAktuell:

Control experiences from Andreas Müller, Deputy Head of Agriculture at bio.inspecta

Organic control 2024

Early preparation protects against unnecessary trouble

Review Bio-Symposium 2023

Organic sees itself as part of the solution in the transformation of the food system

Will the feed last until spring?

Past years have shown that a feed reserve corresponding to the farm provides relief in spring.

The new president has been elected

Adèle Thorens Goumaz becomes President of the Board of Directors of bio.inspecta AG

On the road with bio.inspecta

No fear of organic inspection: «I know that everything is legal», says Hans Metzger

Everything under control? From the life of an organic inspector

On 9 June 2023, Andreas Müller was invited to take part in a podcast hosted by FiBL (Research Institute of Organic Agriculture).

Tested for organic and office

bio.inspecta is one of the bodies when it comes to inspecting and certifying farms.

The inspector as a guest

When Christoph Gerber from bio.inspecta takes a close look at an organic farm, he does it with a trained eye, open ears, and respect.

The conversion to organic must be well planned

If a conventional farm converts to organic farming, higher requirements must be observed.

At the Fürstenhof in Hellikon with bio.inspecta

Excerpt from Jurapark-Zytig (Jurapark newsletter) No. 40, October 2022

Biodynamic grapevines defy the drought

This summer's drought has taken a heavy toll on cultivated land, especially in the southern Alpine regions.

A visit to the Steffen family's farm with laying hens

An organic inspection according to the label Bio Suisse on a farm with laying hens in Switzerland

The first production facility for organic cocoa “Made in Switzerland”

PRONATEC AG: bio.inspecta client of many years’ standing starts up Switzerland’s first organic-only cocoa factory

Review FiBL Open Day

The Open Day at the newly built campus of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) in Frick took place in glorious sunshine on 26 June 2022

Review Organic Farming Day 2022

On 8 and 9 June 2022 the Organic Farming Days took place in Holziken at Biohof Lüscher (organic farm)

Pastures new – retirement can wait!

At the end of May 2022, far from taking retirement, Martina Schneider is returning to alpine farming

Successful through conversion

The idea of converting the farm to organic production had been on Stefan Scheuber's mind for a long time

In the organic inspections, the label proofs are most often missing

Only about 30 % of the inspected farms showed deficiencies in 2021

Outlook for the 2022 inspection year

The last organic inspection is hardly a thing of the past, but we already have to prepare for the next one

«The hotline is not full of Dr. Dr.’s»

Interview with Andrin Pescatore, Certifier/ Head of training bio.inspecta AG

Into the new season, with expertise and practical experience in the field

Farm inspections are complex and require a good deal of preparation

Symposium Bio 2021: An Agenda to 2050 for Sustainability and Sustainable Consumption

This year FiBL, bionetz.ch, Bio Suisse, Demeter, IG Bio and bio.inspecta have again organised the Symposium Bio in Bern, Switzerland

Organic farming – Good reasons for getting started

The strong market growth shows that conversion to organics is definitely worthwhile

No shying away from challenges‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

Sara and Patrick Guarisco have put their Bio-Hofwerk farm on a versatile footing. They were helped in this by the bio-inspecta inspection body.

bio.inspecta Pty Ltd Australia narrates about Seafood and more...

Since 2019, our subsidiary in Australia has been successfully offering audits and certifications in the field of aquaculture and fisheries worldwide

Our employees introduce themselves:

Julia Winter, Head of Certification

On the road with Fritz Meile

We accompanied Fritz Meile to the control at the Lucerne weekly market

European Biochar Certification (EBC)

The Ithaca Institute has introduced guidelines for obtaining the European Biochar Certificate as a basis for control in 2012


Wine from rich nature

FRIKE GROUP contract manufacturer with tradition

The FRIKE GROUP companies are still in family hands and stand for a sustainable growth strategy

bio.inspecta featured in Radio Télévision Suisse’s TTC program

Rolf Schweizer of bio.inspecta carries out an inspection at a vineyard.