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bio.inspecta — your partner for control and certification

As the Swiss market leader, we have been certifying farms and companies in the processing and trade sectors, in Switzerland and internationally, for more than 25 years. The audit and certification to statutory regulations, private labels and standards for food, organic, cosmetic, aquaculture, climate and more are our expertise.

Select your sector to get an overview of the corresponding services.

Your certificate for food, organic products, climate and more

Click on a category and the service you are interested in.

Auditor (m/f) in the processing and trade of food or animal feed 80 – 100 %
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Accounting clerk 80% - 100%
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We support you in the sustainable development and strengthening of your market position

Make use of our individualised assistance, from preparation to inspection and certification to digital data management of your products. We are here for you: Our technical experts can personally assist you while innovative digital solutions facilitate the management of your products.

With our online tools you can, among other things, request a certificate, prepare for an inspection, have recipes tested or ensure the traceability by means of our supply chain solution WORLD-TRACE.