New EU Regulation recognition
bio.inspecta AG is delighted to announce it has been recognized by the European Commission in several countries and scopes of the new EU Organic Regulation (EU) 2018/848; The detail of the scopes and countries are available in COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2024/1748 of 21 June 2024.
The EU Organic Regulation ((EU) 2018/848) sets out the rules on production, certification, labelling and advertising of organic food and feed, and other products such as cotton and essential oils.
bio.inspecta is ready to offer its inspection/certification services in almost 40 different countries by the local or international team from now on according to the Regulation (EU) 2018/848 (New EU organic Regulation). If you are already certified by bio.inspecta you will receive detail inspection / certification time table from bio.inspecta offices.
A new EU Organic Regulation has come into force in the EU member states on 01.01.2022, while for operators in third countries, there will be a transitional period until 31.12.2024 to switch to certification according to the new regulation.
Please be aware any operator which is not certified according to the new EU Reg. (2018/848) by 01.01.2025 and wishing to continue the export the organic products to any EU member states in 2025, needs to be under new inspection / certification regime (2018/848) from 01.01.2025 and it must be certified lates by 15.10.2025.
If you need more information or support please contact bio.inspecta international.