Header partner organic sunflower

Our partners - in Switzerland and internationally

Your Partner

Your Partner

bio.inspecta was established in 1999. For more than 20 years now, bio.inspecta has been a reliable partner to operators in agriculture, processing and trade.

bio.inspecta AG

bio.inspecta AG

Member of EASY-CERT group



AFAPI/FIPO (Freiburgische Vereinigung der umwelt- und tiergerecht produzierenden Landwirte) and bio.inspecta cooperate on the inspection and licensing of mountain and aalpine products based on the Swiss Mountain and Alpine Pasture Ordinance (BAIV) in force. AFAPI/FIPO conduct the farm inspections while q.inspecta issues the licences.



Agriquali is a service provider associated with the Swiss farmers’ union and handles the Swiss farmers’ union’s quality programmes. Agriquali is headquartered in Brugg.

Agriquali and bio.inspecta exclusively cooperate on quality assurance for the QM-Schweizer Fleisch and QM-Schweizer Fisch quality labels.



AgroControll and bio.inspecta cooperate on the inspection and licensing of mountain and alpine products based on the Swiss Mountain and Alpine Pasture Ordinance (BAIV) in force. AgroControll conducts the farm inspections while q.inspecta issues the licences.



AJAPI (Association Jurassienne des Agriculteurs en Production Intégrée) and bio.inspecta cooperate on the inspection and licensing of mountain and alpine products based on the Swiss Mountain and Alpine Pasture Ordinance (BAIV) in force. AJAPI conducts the farm inspections while q.inspecta issues the licences.



ANAPI (Association Neuchâteloise des Agriculteurs en Production Intégrée) and bio.inspecta cooperate on the inspection and licensing of mountain and alpine products based on the Swiss Mountain and Alpine Pasture Ordinance (BAIV) in force. ANAPI conducts the farm inspections while q.inspecta issues the licences.

AQS - Association Quality Strategy

AQS - Association Quality Strategy

The Association Quality Strategy (VQS) promotes and combines the quality and sustainability efforts (added values) of the industry and producer associations, thus strengthening the implementation of a sustainable and high-quality Swiss agriculture and food industry. bio.inspecta is an active member.



AVPI (Association valaisanne pour la production intégrée) and bio.inspecta cooperate on the inspection and licensing of mountain and alpine products based on the Swiss Mountain and Alpine Pasture Ordinance (BAIV) in force. AVPI conducts the farm inspections while q.inspecta issues the licences.

Bio Suisse

Bio Suisse

Together, Bio Suisse and bio.inspecta are actively engaged in developing organic farming in Switzerland and neighbouring countries. The two companies initiate joint projects aimed at promoting and supporting production and processing based on organic methods.

Bio Test Agro AG

Bio Test Agro AG

BTA and bio.inspecta cooperate in providing selected services for the inspection of organic farms and for the inspection and approval of mountain and alpine products. BTA conducts the inspections at farms. bio.inspecta and q.inspecta issue approvals and certificates.



BVO (Bauernvereinigung Oberwallis) and bio.inspecta cooperate on the inspection and licensing of mountain and alpine products based on the Swiss Mountain and Alpine Pasture Ordinance (BAIV) in force. BVO conducts the farm inspections while q.inspecta issues the licences.

Carbon Standards International AG

Carbon Standards International AG

Carbon Standards International AG was founded in 2021 and is a member of EASY-CERT group AG. Carbon Standards International AG is your partner for the development of system solutions, concepts and standards for climate-neutral agriculture and industry.



The strategic partnership between bio.inspecta and CASEi makes it possible for our joint clients to avail of services from a single source. Many cheesemakers and traders benefit from this one-stop service provision.



CoBra (Association Vaudoise de contrôle des branches agricoles) and bio.inspecta cooperate on the inspection and licensing of mountain and alpine products based on the Swiss mountain and alpine Pasture Ordinance (BAIV) in force. CoBra conducts the farm inspections while q.inspecta issues the licences.



Wine from abundant nature.

bio.inspecta and DELINAT are in an exclusive partnership. For 20 years now, bio.inspecta has had the privilege of monitoring wine production in France, Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Austria and Switzerland for compliance with the progressive Delinat standards.

The best wines are produced in harmony with nature. This is the basic tenet of Delinat’s philosophy. The Swiss wine trading venture was established in 1980 by Karl Schefer. His vision was to bring back life to Europe’s vineyards, most of which have been denuded by pesticides. He wanted to see butterflies back in the plantations – as a symbol of an intact natural environment with abundant biodiversity and closed nutrient cycles.



Demeter Switzerland and bio.inspecta have established an exclusive partnership for the inspection and certification of all agricultural holdings and companies engaged in the processing and trade sectors. Sustainable production methods and consistent use of homeopathy and other methods rooted in nature have demonstrated lasting credibility.



The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and bio.inspecta cooperate closely in the fields of research, development, inspection and certification. Both organizations are based in Frick and they complement each other in terms of their areas of operation and expertise.



The agricultural inspection service for the cantons of Schwyz, Nidwalden and Zug (Landwirtschaftlicher Kontrolldienst Schwyz, Nidwalden, Zug – KDSNZ) and bio.inspecta cooperate on the inspection and licensing of mountain and alpine products based on the Swiss Mountain and Alpine Pasture Ordinance (BAIV) in force. KDSNZ conduct the farm inspections while q.inspecta issues the licences.



bio.inspecta AG and the KUL (Control commission for environmentally compatible and animal-friendly agriculture) have joined in a strategic cooperation with regard to inspections against the Swiss Mountain and Alpine Pasture Ordinance (BAIV), the Swiss Organic Farming Ordinance and IP Suisse standards.



KUT (Control commission for environmentally compatible and animal-friendly agriculture) and bio.inspecta cooperate on the inspection and licensing of mountain and alpine products based on the Swiss Mountain and Alpine Pasture Ordinance (BAIV) in force. KUT conducts the farm inspections while q.inspecta issues the licences.



LIA (Appenzell agricultural inspectorate) and bio.inspecta cooperate on the inspection and licensing of mountain and alpine products based on the Swiss Mountain and Alpine Pasture Ordinance (BAIV) in force. LIA conducts the farm inspections while q.inspecta issues the licences.



LKGR (Grisons agricultural control service) and bio.inspecta cooperate on the inspection and licensing of mountain and alpine products based on the Swiss Mountain and Alpine Pasture Ordinance (BAIV) in force. LKGR conducts the farm inspections while q.inspecta issues the licences.



For many years now, bio.inspecta AG and Mabesa, your specialist for food and feed safety, have cooperated closely in the area of organic and label inspections. Our clients benefit from joint service provision.

Michael Schmid Graphics Studio

Michael Schmid Graphics Studio

The small, fine graphics studio in Gipf-Oberfrick has designed our appearance, developed our templates. Whether design manuals, PowerPoint presentations, car and street signage, trade fair booths, roll-ups, flyers and much more, Atelier Michael Schmid has accompanied and supported us for many years.



OIC (Organisme Intercantonal de Certification SÀRL) and bio.inspecta cooperate in the inspection and approval of mountain and alpine products. The applicable Swiss Mountain and Alpine Ordinance is the basis for this work.

ProCert AG

ProCert AG

ProCert and bio.inspecta cooperate in providing inspection and certification services for enterprises in the food sector. Each is subcontracted by the partner to conduct inspections of enterprises.

Qualinova AG

Qualinova AG

Qualinova and bio.inspecta cooperate on the inspection and licensing of mountain and alpine products based on the Swiss Mountain and Alpine Pasture Ordinance (BAIV) in force. Qualinova conducts the farm inspections while q.inspecta issues the licences.

Qualiservice GmbH

Qualiservice GmbH

Qualiservice GmbH is the Swiss neutral competence centre for all quality issues in the fruit, vegetable and potato sectors. The organisation Qualiservice GmbH is backed by various sector associations from Switzerland. Quality controls, residue analyses, in-house training and more services are offered.

Regionale Bioberatung

Regionale Bioberatung

Organic extension in Switzerland operates on a regional basis. Farming advisors have direct contact with producers and provide a comprehensive extension service on organic production and processing. Advice is particularly important in cases where a holding is converting to organic production for the first time, as there are various strategic decisions that need to be made.

bio.inspecta makes the experience it has gained through its inspection and certification activities available to advisors. bio.inspecta is also happy to support producers to assess and check their compliance with standards and instructions both during and after the conversion phase.

Schweizer Naturholz Pellets

Schweizer Naturholz Pellets

Swiss all-natural wood pellets are environmentally friendly and sustainably produced. The entire regional value creation is Swiss-based – from forestry management to the producer and the consumer. The production uses renewable energies and does not involve pressing agents – without compromising on quality.

As the exclusive partner of the Swiss all-natural wood pellets association (Verein für Schweizer Naturholzpellets), bio.inspecta inspects and certifies for compliance with strict standards.



SCIC (Servizio cantonale di ispezione e controllo) and bio.inspecta cooperate on the inspection and licensing of mountain and alpine products based on the Swiss Mountain and Alpine Pasture Ordinance (BAIV) in force. SCIC conducts the farm inspections while q.inspecta issues the licences.

Solution.ch AG

Solution.ch AG

Web design is a matter of trust, which is why bio.inspecta AG has been working with Solution.ch AG in Winterthur for years. Solution.ch advised us on the development of our websites, tailored modules and plugins in SolutionCMS to our needs and supports us in our day-to-day work.



bio.inspecta Agriculture and the Swiss Association for Quality and Management Systems (SQS) in Zollikofen (CH-BE) have agreed on an exclusive cooperation and a consolidated range of services.

The two major Swiss companies in the field of food quality assurance work in close cooperation. Customers draw on SQS and bio.inspecta services at a single source.

ABG - Austria Bio Garantie

ABG - Austria Bio Garantie

Our partner Austria Bio Garantie (ABG) in Enzersfeld is the Austrian market leader in organic and label certification. ABG and bio.inspecta combine their strengths in the national and international business environment for the benefit of our customers. (Including offices)



Our partner company agroVet in Enzersfeld audits and certifies operators with regard to a wide range of quality standards ranging from raw materials, foodstuffs and feedstuffs to renewable energy sources. agroVet and bio.inspecta combine their strengths in the national and international business environment for the benefit of our customers.



bio.inspecta and Bio Agri Cert are in a long-term partnership in the inspection and certification of organic vineyards and wineries.

Together we conduct on-site inspections against the strict Delinat standards.

Wine from abundant nature – www.delinat.com

Bio Garancia KFT.

Bio Garancia KFT.

Our partner company Bio Garancia Kft. in Budapest was founded in 2000 and is an independent, accredited certification body. Bio Garancia Kft. supports farmers, processors and traders in the food sector and helps them to develop sustainable production methods and strengthen their market position.

Biosun Certifier

Biosun Certifier

Biosun Certifier Co. (www.biosuncertifier.com), a private company registered under the laws of Islamic Republic of Iran, is the first established Organic Inspection and Certification Company in Iran with the mission of promoting organic farming (farmers, Processors, traders) and open the doors for the local farmers and producers to market their organic products internationally.

Biosun Certifier Co. who is member of IFOAM, has entered into a partnership agreement with the international certification body bio-inspecta in Switzerland. In 2010, its staff have been trained by bio.inspecta on inspection of production and processing operations.



bio.inspecta and CCPAE (Consell català de la producciô agrâria ecolôgica) are in a long-term partnership in the inspection and certification of organic vineyards and wineries.

Together we conduct on-site inspections against the strict Delinat standards.

Wine from abundant nature – www.delinat.com



bio.inspecta and CERtification of Environmental Standards - GmbH (CERES) are in a long-term partnership. Our clients can avail of CERES and bio.inspecta services from a single source. (Including offices)



bio.inspecta and Certisys are linked by a young partnership for the NOP standard (National Organic Programme of the USDA). The two leading inspection and certification bodies in their countries work closely together on this standard. Certisys has experienced inspectors who carry out the inspections on site. bio.inspecta is the certification body for all Certisys customers who have been inspected and certified according to the NOP standard.

Our clients benefit from a joint on-site service from a single source.



As bio.inspecta’s technology partner CIED has already realized various projects regarding the development of new applications in the last years of partnership while other projects are still ongoing.
CIED makes web, mobile, blockchain & AI technologies practical for quality assurance in supply chains and more.



bio.inspecta and Dio are in a long-term partnership in the inspection and certification of organic vineyards and wineries.

Together we conduct on-site inspections against the strict Delinat standards.

Wine from abundant nature – www.delinat.com



bio.inspecta and ECOGRUPPO ITALIA S.r.l. are in a long-term partnership in the inspection and certification of organic vineyards and wineries.

Together we conduct on-site inspections against the strict Delinat standards.

Wine from abundant nature – www.delinat.com



EOCC represents the organic certifiers in Europe. As a member of the European Organic Certifiers Council we are actively involved in the advancement of inspection systems in Europe and internationally.



bio.inspecta and GFRS (Gesellschaft für Ressourcenschutz) are in a long-term partnership in the inspection and certification of organic vineyards and wineries.

Together we conduct on-site inspections against the strict Delinat standards.

Wine from abundant nature – www.delinat.com



bio.inspecta and ICEA (Istituto per la Certificazione Etica e Ambientale) are in a long-term partnership in the inspection and certification of organic vineyards and wineries.

Together we conduct on-site inspections against the strict Delinat standards.

Wine from abundant nature – www.delinat.com



Our partner Icert for Development of Agriculture Systems (Icert) is a Shareholding company, aiming to support the development of organic agriculture as well as good agricultural practices in Egypt.

Icert inspects and certifies organic agriculture plants and products according to to «ICERT Production standard and control measures Ver. 2», approved on 12-09-2020, as organic at the domestic market.

Also, Icert inspects and certifies producers of fresh fruits and vegetables.



We have a long-standing partnership with IFOAM. As a member of the worldwide umbrella organisation for the organic agriculture movement, we also support projects in the areas of sustainability and innovation through IFOAM.



IQNET is a world-wide network of renowned certification firms. Working in partnership with IQNET Ltd. in Berne gives our customers access to the whole spectrum of services offered by IQNET and its partners throughout the world.

Ithaka Institute for Carbon Strategies

Ithaka Institute for Carbon Strategies

The Ithaka Institute is an international open source network for climate farming and carbon strategies. Over the past 10 years, Ithaka has become a leading research institute on carbon sequestration and carbon cycling through agronomic methods.

For many years now, as the Institute’s exclusive partner, bio.inspecta has been inspecting the production of biochar which is produced around the world based on the European Biochar standard. Since 2010 the European Biochar Certificate has been developed under the leadership of the Ithaka Institute and has become the voluntary industry standard.



bio.inspecta and Seloliman Organic Certification Agency (LeSOS) are in a long-term partnership. As the leading inspection and certification bodies in their countries, bio.inspecta and LeSOS work closely together in Indonesia and adjacent countries.

The two companies have an exclusive cooperation in the region for selected services, including organic controls for local standards and export to the European Union and the USA.

Our clients benefit from locally-based service provision under one roof.

Puro.earth – Carbon removal marketplace

Puro.earth – Carbon removal marketplace

Puro.earth is the world’s first marketplace for carbon removal. Their mission is to mobilize the world’s economy to reward carbon net-negative emissions. Puro.earth focuses solely on verified technologies that can remove carbon at an industrial scale and store it for a minimum of 50 years. Their innovation is harmonizing different methods of CO2 removal and turning them into digital tradable assets called CO2 Removal Certificates (CORCs).

bio.inspecta audits the removal methods and verifies the calculations for the CO2 Removal Certificate issue.

Suolo e Salute

Suolo e Salute

bio.inspecta and Suolo e Salute are in a long-term partnership in the inspection and certification of organic vineyards and wineries.

Together we conduct on-site inspections against the strict Delinat standards.

Wine from abundant nature – www.delinat.com