EU Organic Regulation for third countries
In the international sector, bio.inspecta conducts audits and certifications in approximately 40 countries in accordance with EU Regulation (EC) 834/2007. Since July 2024, bio.inspecta has also been approved under the new EU Organic Regulation 2018/848, and we are now offering this service to all our customers. This regulation is mandatory for third countries outside the EU starting January 1, 2025, if you wish to sell your products in the EU or display the EU organic logo on them.
We offer the following product categories under the new Regulation 2018/848, in accordance with the EU Organic Farming Regulation:
• Agricultural products (category A)
• Animal products (category B)
• Processed food (category D)
• Animal feed (category E)
• Other products according to Annex 1 (Category G)
An EU organic certified farm can sell its products throughout the EU and Switzerland, gaining access to one of the largest organic markets in the world. The organic label ensures complete documentation and traceability of the products, providing farms with additional sales opportunities and a way to stand out from the competition.
BasisUntil January 1, 2025, Organic Regulation 834/2007 and the bio.inspecta Organic Standard for equivalence in third countries, along with the implementing regulation for the import procedure in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 1235/2008, apply.
From January 1, 2025, the new EU Organic Farming Regulation 2018/848 will take effect as the new legal framework for organic farming.
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+41 (0) 62 865 63 22>